Eggplant Rolls Stuffed With Tomato, Cheese and Kale: Healthy Recipe

Eggplant Rolls Stuffed With Tomato, Cheese and Kale: Healthy Recipe

Eggplant is a vegetable that everyone love not only for its delicious flavor, but also for its versatile nature in the kitchen. Although the other favorite way to enjoy it is roasted in the oven, you may also wanted to prepare it in a different way in a healthy and something more original recipe for dinner like eggplant rolls stuffed with tomato, cheese and kale.

Red Lentil Pasta With Sautéed Cherry Tomatoes: Healthy Recipe

Red Lentil Pasta With Sautéed Cherry Tomatoes Healthy Recipe

Chickpea flour is already a staple in my kitchen, I love using it to enjoy its benefits in dishes of very different formats. That’s why I absolutely had to try legume pasta, and summer is the perfect occasion to experiment at home with dishes like this red lentil pasta with sautéed cherry tomatoes .

Thai Tofu and Mushroom Soup: Healthy Vegan Recipe With Oriental Aromas

Thai Tofu and Mushroom Soup

To get out of the routine of the most traditional spoon dishes in our kitchen, today we collect Asian flavors with a very simple dish to prepare that inspires us with Westernized Thai cuisine , in a most complete and healthy vegan soup, satisfying without ceasing be light

Sea Bream Open in the Oven With Peppers: Healthy Recipe

Sea Bream

Eating fish about three times a week is a healthy way to include high-quality proteins in our diet, reducing meat consumption and without having to complicate things in the kitchen. Sea bream is a very grateful species that is affordable and available all year round, and by cooking it in the oven with some vegetables we have a perfect lunch or dinner to share or for individual portions.

Spinach Tortilla Rolls With Cheese and Smoked Salmon in the Oven: Healthy Recipe Rich in Protein

Spinach Tortilla Rolls

These rolls with a spinach tortilla base are as easy as they are colorful, nutritious and very delicious. A different presentation of the typical French omelette to get out of the routine that …

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Paprika Chicken Stir Fry With Pumpkin – Healthy Recipe

paprika chicken stir fry with pumpkin

Do you take advantage of the spices in the pantry to enrich your dishes? In addition to having healthy properties, they seem to me to be a real treasure that sometimes we don’t give the importance it deserves. Paprika is without a doubt one of my favorites, also so attached to our traditional cuisine. This sautéed paprika chicken with pumpkin is a very quick dish to prepare that takes advantage of all the flavor of this red gold.

Gluten-free and Vegan Seed Crackers: Healthy Crunchy Snack Recipe

Gluten-free and Vegan Seed Crackers

Everything that falls into the category of snacks should be considered as an extra addition or complement to the daily diet, which, depending on our needs, should be controlled to a greater or lesser extent. But it will always be better to make our own snacks at home, controlling the ingredients, for example with gluten-free cookies like these that we can also use to complete lunches and dinners.

Upward Facing Bow: Meaning, Benefits, Steps, Contraindications And Variations

Upward Facing Bow

Upward Facing Bow, also known as Urdhva Dhanurasana in Sanskrit, is a dynamic yoga pose that incorporates strength, flexibility, and balance. This challenging backbend not only opens the chest and …

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Eka Pada Bakasana: Benefits, How To Do and Variations

Eka Pada Bakasana

Eka Pada Bakasana, also known as One-Legged Crow Pose, is an advanced arm balance in the practice of yoga. This posture requires strength, balance, and flexibility, making it a challenging yet rewarding pose to master. In this article, we will explore the various benefits of Eka Pada Bakasana, provide step-by-step instructions on how to perform the pose correctly, and explore different variations to deepen your practice. Whether you are a seasoned yogi looking to enhance your arm balance skills or a beginner wanting to explore new poses, Eka Pada Bakasana offers numerous physical and mental benefits that can take your yoga practice to new heights.

Grilled Fish With Honeyed Lemon and Caper Sauce: Tasty and Quick Healthy Recipe

Grilled Fish With Honeyed Lemon and Caper Sauce Tasty and Quick Healthy Recipe

Grilled fish is a simple resource to prepare something healthy at home without complications, but it can become boring and we run the risk of it being bland and dry, especially if the raw material is not of the quality we would like. A quick sauce like this lemon sauce can fix it.


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