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Red Lentil Pasta With Sautéed Cherry Tomatoes: Healthy Recipe

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Chickpea flour is already a staple in my kitchen, I love using it to enjoy its benefits in dishes of very different formats. That’s why I absolutely had to try legume pasta, and summer is the perfect occasion to experiment at home with dishes like this red lentil pasta with sautéed cherry tomatoes .

Made with 100% red lentil flour, it is a little confusing at first because it looks like normal pasta, but once it is cooked it smells unmistakably like lentils. I liked it above all because it cooks very quickly and it is a different and very original way to continue adding legumes to the diet, it could even be mixed with “authentic” pasta if we want a much more complete dish.

Red Lentil Pasta With Sautéed Cherry Tomatoes.

Ingredients for 2 people.

Preparation time | 30 minutes
Difficulty | Easy

  • 180 g of red lentil pasta.
  • 1 spring onion.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • 1 chilli or small hot pepper.
  • 10-15 cherry tomatoes.
  • Oregano, fresh basil, black pepper, salt, extra virgin olive oil and cheese to taste (optional).

How to make red lentil pasta with sautéed cherry tomatoes?

YouTube video

Cook the red lentil pasta following the instructions on the package, being careful not to overcook it. Rinse with cold water and mix with a little oil to prevent sticking. Reserve.

Chop the garlic clove, cut the onion into fine julienne strips and the chilli or pepper into slices, removing the seeds if you prefer less spicy. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, or leave them whole if they are small.

Heat a little olive oil in a non-stick frying pan and add the spring onion with a pinch of salt. Cook for a few minutes until transparent and soft. Add the chopped garlic, stir a little and add the chilli.

After a few minutes, add the tomatoes and sauté until they begin to lose water and start to take on color. Then add the pasta, season with salt and pepper and add oregano and basil to taste. Cook the whole a few more minutes and serve with fresh basil and cheese, if desired.


Red lentil pasta with sautéed cherry tomatoes is a good, unique, satisfying dish that we can simply complete with a piece of good bread to complete the vegetable proteins. Nor should we be obsessed with nutrients, if we have a well-balanced diet it is an excellent dish to vary the consumption of legumes, or we could enrich it by adding some anchovies or tofu.

Bottom Line.

Red Lentil Pasta with Sautéed Cherry Tomatoes is a delicious and nutritious meal that is perfect for anyone looking to incorporate more plant-based protein into their diet. Packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, this dish is not only satisfying but also incredibly good for you. Give it a try and enjoy a flavorful and healthy meal that will leave you feeling nourished and satisfied.

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