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Consistent Reports: Barça Throws Out Xavi

FC Barcelona’s coaching drama, which lasted several months, has apparently come to a surprising end. Xavi will no longer be the club’s coach next season, according to consistent reports.
FC Barcelona and Xavi are now apparently going their separate ways. As the Catalan ‘RAC1’ reports, club president Joan Laporta has decided to fire the Barça coach. The newspaper ‘Sport’ confirms the information.

It is a development that could not have been foreseen until recently. But first things first: In January, Xavi announced that he would be leaving Barcelona at the end of the season. He made the decision voluntarily. As a result, Laporta tried to change the coach’s mind and repeatedly publicly spoke out in favor of staying. With success: Xavi announced in April that he would now continue.

So why the U-turn now? The 44-year-old recently expressed pessimism about Barça’s future in an interview. Xavi spoke about the club’s financial problems and dampened expectations for the coming season.

Laporta apparently disliked this because Xavi was much more optimistic towards him in private, which ultimately led to the coach’s resignation. Now roll backwards again.

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